
How to guide the programme

To run the program, these points should be considered.

  1. It is important to have a permanent contact person who advises the volunteers. This can either be the volunteer responsible for the education administration or the teacher at the school in whose class the mentor is assigned. It is important that the mentor is clear at which times the contact person is easily accessible.
  2. In addition, regular consultation and exchange rounds (at least twice a year) should take place at the responsible educational institution.
  3. The (voluntary) attendance of advanced training courses gives the opportunity to acquire didactic knowledge.
  4. Information material on the legal basis provides security with regard to the possibilities for action on the spot.
  5. The periods of volunteer work (= beginning and end of Mentorship) should be clearly outlined. In principle, Mentorship is possible during the entire school year. As mentioned under point 3, however, a minimum period of several months should be agreed upon in any case so that a relationship of trust can be established with the mentee and the support can really bear fruit.
  6. As a sign of appreciation of this invaluable support for mentees and schools, a certificate should be issued by the coordinating organisation after the end of the learning sponsorship.