
How to enable and support mentors

Ideally, the volunteer should have a contact person in the education administration or in the school who is responsible for mentoring.

The mentor first conducts an initial interview during which the basic questions are clarified. These are mostly:

Am I suitable for an honorary position at the school?

The most important prerequisites are a sense of attention, patience and the willingness to adapt to the circumstances at school.

I only have a few hours a week. Is that enough?

Yes, already two hours per week are an important support. It is crucial that the mentor comes reliably and accompanies you for at least a few months.

Do I need didactic or pedagogical prerequisites?

No, because the volunteer should not teach independently, but only support.

What does my work as a volunteer consist of?

As a rule, it is a matter of accompanying the teacher during lessons, explaining work assignments to the teacher and accompanying their completion, reading aloud or helping with homework.

Where can I get materials from?

The materials are provided by the school. The mentor must not be expected to organise lessons independently.
A further possibility of supporting volunteers is the organisation of exchange and consultation rounds or offering further training.

In the case of the latter, it is conceivable on the one hand to let the mentors participate in events for teachers on the subject of second language didactics or integration, and on the other hand it is of course also possible to offer specific introductory events on the didactics of the respective second language in order to provide a first insight into the basics.

In case the mentor notices special problems with the mentee, there is the possibility to contact counsellors within the school or to add a school psychologist.